"Even if you’ve never played a single note, Playground Sessions will get you hooked and having fun from day one.” - Quincy Jones
Playground Sessions boasts video lessons from several well-known pianists, including David Bowie's keyboardist, Mike Garson. Other teachers on the app include David Sides and Wi Chen, Quincy Jones helped originate the app.
It’s easier to jump in and play songs you love — even if you’ve never played a note in your life. With over 2,000 songs by popular artists and composers (and adding more all the time), we’re sure you’ll find a fun place to start.
Because Playground Sessions monitors your playing and tells you extactly what notes were played right and wrong. To get the most out of Playground Sessions, connect your electronic keyboard to your computer or Apple device. For most situations, all you need is a USB cable for a computer or a "camera adaptor" for an iPad.
With lessons built from popular songs, here you'll learn music theory and everything you need to play the piano through sessions organized by difficulty level (Rookie, Intermediate, Advanced), and perfectly arranged in a step-by-step order to ensure your learning is gradual and inevitable.
Every practice session is built from those who played it before you. Their proprietary software uses the data from every note played by our members to make each session more fun and challenging for you. Your playing experience evolves along with your skill level.